Toronto in 1893 – annotated interactive map

Click on this map for a full-size annotated version.

This is “Barclay, Clark & Co.’s 1893 Bird’s Eye View Chromolithograph” – a detailed, photo-like, colour drawing of Toronto at the end of the 19th century. Some artistic license emphasizes important landmarks, and includes not-yet-completed buildings, while blurring out less interesting regions.

I saw a full-size print of this 130-year-old map hanging at the Sheraton Centre in downtown Toronto, and decided to download a digital copy and annotate it. Enjoy learning about the history of the city using a fun and interactive interface!

Over 400 past and present Toronto landmarks!

I particularly like this map for several reasons:

  • This is Toronto’s 100th anniversary map!
  • It is incredibly detailed relative to its age. There is so much to discover!
  • Toronto has few surviving structures from the 18th century, and this map includes structures built as late as 1899. Thus, virtually all structures found on this map are 19th century, while most not found on this map are 20th century or later. What a great memory heuristic!
  • There is also conveniently a Goad’s 1893 Atlas from exactly the same year to corroborate source material:

Additional useful resources:

List of annotated landmarks (for SEO purposes):

  • City Hall
  • First Parliament site
  • Ontario Parliament Building
  • Ontario Legislative Building
  • Government House
  • Fort York
  • Stanley Barracks – Officers’ Quarters
  • Toronto Armories
  • Drill Shed
  • Asylum for the Insane
  • Toronto Central Prison
  • Don Jail
  • Andrew Mercer Reformatory for Women
  • Victoria Hospital for Sick Children
  • Toronto General Hospital
  • House of Providence
  • Isolation Hospital
  • St. Joseph’s – Sunnyside Orphanage
  • Toronto Public Library
  • Central Fire Station
  • Fire Hall No 3
  • Fire Hall No 4
  • Fire Hall No 6
  • Fire Hall No 8
  • Fire Hall No 9
  • 4th General Post Office
  • 7th General Post Office
  • 8th General Post Office
  • Custom House
  • University of Toronto – St. George campus
  • University College
  • Victoria University
  • St. Michael’s College
  • Protestant Episcopal Divinity School
  • Wycliffe College
  • Knox College
  • The Little Red Skulehouse
  • University Library
  • Magnetic and Meteorological Observatory
  • Stewart Building
  • McMaster Hall
  • Trinity College
  • Upper Canada College – Russell Square campus
  • Upper Canada College – Deer Park campus
  • Toronto Normal School
  • Jarvis Collegiate Institute
  • De La Salle College
  • Wykeham Hall
  • Exhibition Place
  • Crystal Palace
  • Scadding Cabin
  • Fort Rouillé Monument
  • Cathedral Church of St. James
  • St. Michael’s Cathedral Basilica
  • St. Mary’s Church
  • St. George the Martyr Anglican Church
  • St. Andrew’s Church
  • Bathurst Street Wesleyan Methodist Church
  • St. Paul’s Basilica
  • Knox Church
  • Metropolitan Wesleyan Methodist Church
  • Elm Street Methodist Church
  • Beverley Street Baptist Church
  • Zion Congregational Church
  • Erskine Presbyterian Church
  • St. Margaret’s Anglican Church
  • Little Trinity Anglican Church
  • Church of the Ascension
  • Board of Trade
  • Osgoode Hall
  • St. Joseph’s Convent
  • Loretto Abbey
  • Mount Pleasant Cemetery
  • St. James Cemetery
  • Toronto Necropolis
  • Victoria Square
  • Strachan Avenue Military Burying Ground
  • Pape Avenue Cemetery
  • Government Breakwater
  • Humber River
  • Garrison Creek
  • High Park
  • Allan Gardens
  • Original Town of York
  • The Ward
  • Kensington
  • Baby Point
  • Consumers’ Gas Company – Station A
  • Consumers’ Gas Company Building
  • Toronto Electric Light Company
  • Elias Rogers Coal & Wood Co. yard
  • Union Station
  • Union Station entrance
  • City Hall Station
  • Railway Lands
  • Canadian Pacific Railway – Parkdale Yard
  • Northern Railway – Bathurst Yard
  • The Grand Trunk Railway Freight Depot
  • Toronto Belt Line – Don Loop
  • Grand Trunk Railway – Domed Roundhouse
  • The Queen Street Subway
  • Toronto Railway – Frederick Stables
  • Toronto Railway – car shops
  • Toronto Railway – George Stables
  • Shedden Company Stables
  • Yonge Street Wharf
  • Queen’s Wharf Lighthouse
  • Polson Iron Works shipyard
  • Bathurst Street Wharf shipyards
  • Aykroyd Brothers Boat Works
  • St. Lawrence Hall
  • St. Lawrence Market North
  • New Market House
  • Gooderham & Worts – Distillery District
  • Gooderham & Worts – Grain Elevator
  • Gooderham Building
  • Toronto Brewing and Malting Co.
  • Don Brewery – Lager Building
  • Dominion Brewery
  • Todmorden Mills
  • Royal Dominion Flour Mills
  • Old Mill ruins
  • William Davies Company pork packing plant
  • Western Cattle Market
  • Confederation Life Building
  • Canada Life Assurance Company
  • British America Assurance Company
  • Temple Building
  • Bank of Upper Canada
  • Bank of British North America
  • Home Savings and Loan Company
  • Bank of Toronto
  • Dominion Bank
  • Canadian Bank of Commerce
  • Molsons Bank
  • Bank of Montreal
  • Traders Bank of Canada
  • Christie Sand Pits
  • Don Valley Brick Works
  • Massey-Harris Company – Toronto Works
  • Doty’s Machine and Engine Works
  • John Abell Engine and Machine Works
  • John Inglis and Sons
  • Toronto Silver Plate Company
  • Christie, Brown & Company
  • John B. Smith & Sons yard
  • John B. Smith & Sons
  • Greey’s Mill Furnishing Works
  • Cobban Manufacturing Company
  • E. & C. Gurney Stove Foundry
  • T. Eaton Company
  • Robert Simpson Company
  • Yonge Street Arcade
  • Mammoth House
  • Golden Lion
  • Gordon Mackay and Company
  • The Mail Building
  • Globe Building
  • Eby, Blain & Co. Wholesale Grocers
  • Dominion Saw & Lead Works
  • Langmuir Manufacturing Company
  • Toronto Safe Works
  • Toronto Carpet Factory
  • H.W. Petrie’s Machine Depot
  • Warwick Brothers & Rutter
  • Queen’s Hotel
  • Dingman’s Hall
  • Arlington Hotel
  • Little York Hotel
  • Black Horse Hotel
  • Albion Hotel
  • Nealon House
  • Cherry Street Hotel
  • Dominion Hotel
  • Walker House Hotel
  • Palmer House Hotel
  • Rossin House Hotel
  • Black Bull Tavern
  • Palace Arms Hotel
  • Woodbine Race Course
  • Sunlight Park
  • Mutual Street Rink
  • Argonaut Rowing Club
  • Royal Canadian Yacht Club
  • Cyclorama
  • Grand Opera House
  • Massey Hall
  • Toronto Club
  • Victoria Row
  • Beard Building
  • Daniel Brooke Building
  • Thomas Thompson Building
  • The Grange
  • Campbell House
  • Spadina House
  • Mackenzie House
  • Quetton St. George house

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